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Showing posts from February, 2021

Golang Commands

Overview    In this blog I am going to explain about basic go command and in depth knowledge about go commands will come after this series of basic go programming end. fallowing topic will be explained in this blog : primary commands help topic Commands Go ahead open command prompt on type go and press Enter. you can see all the commands and help topic that go provide. Primary Commands   this all are primary commands that go provide. this all are self explanatory. we have "bug" command for bug report, "clean" to clean previous projects, "install" to install packages to project.mod command needs explanation. which we will discuss on the next blog. but the command I want to talk about is doc. if we run ''go doc <package name>'' command  example "go doc json.decoder.decode" it will show the out put below. and if you run "go doc json.decoder" it will show the out put below. and if you run "go doc json" ...

Hello world with Golang

Overview hello, last blog I have explained why I have started learning go and why should one use go for. if you are interested in reading that blog please clink on this  link . if you already decided to learn go then this blog is for you. this blog will explain the way you should  install Golang  setup editor for Golang hello world with Golang  Install Go Lang go to Golang official website and fallow the image instruction below. Setup editor for Golang I am using VS code text editor for go programming language. fallow the instruction below to setup go on VS Code.  Install Go Official extension in VS code.       press ctrl + shift + p to update and install necessary tools for Go Lang.  Hello World With Golang: Previous Blog  Next Blog Why Golang Golang Commands Other blog on this series :  Why Golang Golang Commands   Creating a Project with Golang Primitive data t...

Why Golang

 Why I have started learning Golang : I am working on a project for a company I work, which is based on webservice and will provide API service for developer and a interface where non developer can work with our product. and they will be charged on the basis of there usage. this project will be running on lots of microservices . For that micro service we will be needing a language that is really good at webservices ( web services  are designed to communicate with other programs ) and easy to use concurrence ( concurrency  is when multiple sequences of operations are run in overlapping periods of time ) . Go is perfect for this type of work. on this blog I will be explaining about why I choose Go Lang for the task I am doing and what will come next. Context: Go was created at google for them to solve certain amount of problem they were having with the language they were already using. At the time they were using only three language C++ Python  Java they all are reall...