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Pointer in Golang


Over view

In this blog I am going to talk about pointer and how it works. will talk about 
to understand pointer one need to know how computer store its value in memory. By memory i will be refereeing to the RAM.

basically computer stores its variable in memory in binary format. and when some one declares a variable it will allocate some bite of memory for that variable. And when variable is initialized it will go to its look up table and search for the first memory address and store data.

for int and float it will allocate 4 and char it will allocate 1 byte of memory  

suppose I have declared 'a' as variable which is type int. computer will allocate 4 byte of memory for that and if i declared 'c' as variable with a type char. it will allocate a 1 byte of memory for this.
and it will put the first memory address to its lookup table to search for the variable later. then if I initialize the variable then it will store the data in that memory location as a binary format.    


pointer is a variable that stores address of another variable. Basically pointer will point to a memory where a variable is stored. Suppose 'a' has a memory address of 203, and 'ptr' is a pointer type variable 
so if we initialize 'ptr' to 203 then 'ptr' will point to a memory location which is already holding the value of  variable 'a'


in the picture, 'a' holds 5 and 'b' holds 6.'ptr' holds 203 which is memory address of 'a' that means 'ptr' points to 'a' we can change the 'ptr' by adding 1. on that case it will point to 'b' which holds '6'. 
so we can say pointer is a variable which will hold only memory address.


Dereferencing is used to get the data from a memory location. if you got a memory location and you want to know what is on that memory location. then you just need to dereference that location. And it will return the value.
	name := "helloname"
        var ptr *string = new(string)
        ptr = &name

out put :
 0xc000010240 helloname
first one is a memory location where 'name' variable is stored when we dereference it then we get the value that memory address holds

code explain: 'ptr' is a pointer type variable which will hold a memory location of which will hold a value of type string. 'name' is a string type variable. by doing '&name' we are getting the memory address of the 'name' variable. so by printing 'ptr' we get the memory location on 'name' and by doing '*ptr' we are getting the value of  'name' variable. This is what we call dereferencing. 

on other example: 
        name := "helloname"
        var ptr *string = new(string)
        *ptr = name

out put :
 0xc000010240 helloname
in the code we dereference the 'name' variable in to 'ptr' pointer variable.


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